Saturday, July 11, 2009

How to Have a Highly Productive and Profitable Team

Before you start complaining that your team are causing you headaches and not performing the way you want, take a look at yourself first.

Gary who runs a plumbing business has 5 staff. He was always complaining that they were lazy, didn't use their initiative and would take advantage of him.

We had Gary fill in our 'Productivity and Leadership Profile'. This process allows each team member to anonymously answer questions about how they see Gary in many areas including his leadership abilities, communication, organization, etc. The process also allows Gary to answer the same questions on how he sees himself.

It turned out that Gary thought he was a good boss because he was easy to get along with. However the feedback from his team showed that he wasn't a good leader. The guys needed clear direction... someone to follow.

They required a system, guidelines to work within and regular follow-up.
They never had a team meeting to discuss what was working well and how to improve things. The only time a meeting was called was when there was a customer complaint.

Before I share these tips with you, be aware that it is extremely important to hire the right type of people for your business in the first place. Many employers have the 'hire and hope' mentality.

Because of their lack of time and poor planning, they often hire someone when they are desperate. After the person has been hired the employer hopes they work out.

1. Regular Performance and Incentive Reviews

Measure your team's achievements on a regular basis. Formally appraise the performance of each individual twice a year. Salary increases, bonuses and incentives should be based on these performance reviews.

2. Weekly Team Meetings

Learn how to run an effective meeting and have these weekly with your team. Have a set time each week. Ensure the agenda allows for their input.

3. Invest Time and Money Into Your Team

Invest regularly in their development, both technical and non-technical skills. The new-found knowledge can be extremely valuable to your business. By developing your people, they will also be more motivated.

4. Develop Your Own Leadership Skills

Turn yourself into a Masterful Manager. There are many skills required to be an effective manager... delegation, organization and communication, etc. Participating in specific programs such as our Masterful Manager's Intensive Coaching Program will turn you into a powerful leader that gets results and maintains a happy, productive and high performing team.

5. Free Up Your Time

Stop with the 'busyness'. Get organized so you can invest the time and energy to attract and retain a high performing team. If you don't know how, then make sure you get a copy of our 'Productivity and Profit Homestudy System'.don't worry... most people haven't got a clue!

The Final Word

Looking after the people in your business is vital to ensure its ongoing success... whatever 'success' means to you. A happy, skilled and motivated team (if managed effectively), will have a huge impact on your productivity and profits, not to mention your stress levels.

By Lorraine Pirihi

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